Our completed projects
Project Background:
Science Communication is a programme to promote and communicate science, technology, and environment among rural, urban masses. Basic idea behind this programme is to stimulate scientific temper among common people and simultaneously create an atmosphere to give expansion science & technology outside the laboratory boundary. The coverage of science in media is still nowhere near what it ought to be! Moreover the quality and the nature of the coverage leave a lot to be desired innovations in around us are not available in media. The management, editor and journalists always think that science and technology is a complex thing and they ignore their coverage. Manthan has developed a module for orientation of Journalists on Science Journalism and writing. Since a decade Manthan had successfully implemented projects on Science communication in partnership with NCSTC, GO MYS has already conducted similar workshops in past with support of NCSTC these workshops have successfully generated the interest among Journalists to science communication. A band of journalists are created and they regularly writing on the issues related to development, science and technology A project on communicating women & child health is continuing in two blocks of Lohardaga district. Under the project it is tried to inculcate scientific temper, unleash the mystery, myths and misconception and create a logical and rationale thinking to women on women and child health. In association with Vigyan Prasar, GOI Manthan Yuva Sansthan is successfully running a project on Science communication through Radio. Manthan was involved in production of Video Documentary on development issues for Srijan Foundation. In association with NFI, New Delhi several development communication initiatives had been taken up by Manthan Yuva Sansthan in the state of Jharkhand. NFI and Manthan, both have a mandate to use media as a tool of social transformation. Since a decade of partnership in development communication initiative with NF the three prone strategies had been developed and implemented in the Jharkhand & Bihar. The first strategy is Creation of a network of socially sensitive and development oriented journalists through orientation and capacity building exercises Second strategy is to build a long term and sustainable relationship with journalists and regularly provide them background Support so that they will be able to understand development dynamic and accordingly move towards quality reporting. And third prone strategy is to media study and development and production of IEC materials. Using this three prone strategy which leads towards media advocacy for policy and programmatic amendment and development, a network of 150 development journalists have been developed, nurtured and activate: them on writing and raising the issues. The organization started with work on issues related to print media and has grown over the years as a communications resource centre in Jharkhand and Bihar with the focus on providing technical and background support to fellow development journalists on updating the media trends, writing skills and issues related to most marginalized communities The outcome of the development communication was witnessed as no. of stories generated and produced and written by the trained journalists. In a journey of one and half decade in development communication more than 700 stories generated and published in different newspaper More than 50 video spots and documentaries had been produced on the issues related to marginalized communities of the state. It is noticed that the initiatives taken up by NF Manthan, with print journalists had partially succeed in changing the tone, trend and content of the news stories. Few development journalists successfully absorbed with the mainstream media as stringer or full time journalists and they are addressing the issues related to marginalized communities Due to media explosion in the state a dozen of prominent daily newspaper and regional TV channels are struggling for their reach and space Now geographical proximity and covering people centric issues become core content and agenda of the main stream media. It is experienced that issues related to common people are getting space in print media but regional TV channels are still engulfed in fancy and up market stories of the cases they lack sensitivity and orientation.

Exploring the natural world through hands-on science is an important way that children learn.Hands-on science activities encourage children to observe and manipulate items from theenvironment, while making predictions about what will happen and then testing those predictions.Science allows children to explore experiment, question, discover, and understand natural and human-made objects and forces. Experiments and activities with science and nature also stimulate children’s curiosity, encourage use of all five senses, and help to build vocabulary.Science learning centre will inspire scientific inquiry through dynamic and interactive learningexperiences; to encourage all ages to appreciate the relevance and universality of science, and itsapplication in day to day life.
The objectives of science learning centre are as following
- To attract people towards Science.
- To provide scientific activities to students at various stages of their study.
- To be helpful to children, students and citizen in science and science education.
- To organize and implement science related activities.
- To inculcate scientific temper and breaking myths and misconceptions pertaining to
communities. - To explain application and importance of science at various stages of the life
- To explain about importance of science contribution in social development.
- To identify and encourage scientific activities at various levels of the society
- To create awareness among the people about harmful and non scientific activities to
society, prevailing superstitions, bad customs and to make efforts towards its removal in
urban and rural areas - Socio-economic Development through scientific attitude.
- To popularize the science learning centre as information, education and entertainment
- Around 5000-6000s no. of Students visit from Different schools & commoners to the
science centre - Celebration of important Days
- Malaria Prevention Week
- Science Day
- Earth Day
- Population Day
- Impact of Drug Abuse
- Children’s Day
- Television Day
International Day of Drug abuse & illicit trafficking (26th June, 2018) Venue-Science center at Urdu
Maktab upgraded School, Deoghar
- To spread awareness on drug abuse
- Its dreadful effect
- Know how to prevent it
- Awareness increased on drug abuse & it’s bad effect
- Altogether 30 no of participated in the program
- Students learned a lot in a very encouraging environment
- All of them took oath not to use by themselves & the society
Project Background:
Four out of five people those who are blind, don’t have to be, if proper treatment would be provided at right time. Cataract is the major cause of blindness which can be cured with simple surgery restoring the life of that person. But due to lack of awareness and unable to visit hospital for check-ups, poor people living in urban slums lose their eyesight. With 70% of the Ranchi’s urban population living in slum areas, i.e., about 6 lac people have little or no access to eye care and glasses. It has been understood that loss of near eyesight has the biggest impact on the livelihood of the people concerned. The worst hit of the loss of eye sight are blacksmiths, artisans, cobblers, farmers, housewives, who do not understand the reason as to why their eye sight is decreasing and the treatment for it. This results in decrease in the quality of their work and loss of customers and subsequently livelihood.
According to WHO, more that 68,000 of new cataract blindness is registered every year in Jharkhand state of India alone. With countable eye hospitals providing services for poor and pity condition of government hospitals, the situation become alarming.
·68,000 of new cataract blind cases are registered every year in Jharkhand.
·85% of cases are curable, but poor people are losing their eyesight in absence of proper medical facility at village level.
.Most affected at tribal community where there is extreme lack of awareness about cataract.
Under the VISION AMBASSDOR project supported by 2.5 NVG, ESSILOR, a survey was conducted by Manthan Yuva Sansthan in urban slum of Hindpiri, Ranchi and it is found that the prevalence of blindness and visual impairment is a major problem in artisan group. Cataract, corneal opacities, glaucoma segment conditions are responsible for a major proportion of the blindness. These causes of visual impairment can only be redressed by timely eye care awareness and availability of affordable services at their doorsteps.
Rationale for the project
- Urban Slums of Ranchi district of Jharkhand have very low exposure or experience towards cataract, low vision and refractive error.
- Urban Slums lack the affordable basic infrastructure and facilities of basic vision screening and awareness.
- According to WHO, 68,000 of new cataract blind cases are registered every year in Jharkhand.
- 85% of cases are curable, but poor people are losing their eyesight in absence of proper medical facility at affordable prices.
- Approx 30% livelihoods of artisan groups are suffered due to poor visioning.
The main methodology involves the following:
- Active involvement of all the stakeholders
- Orientation & training of informal health providers a key Resource
- IEC materials in local languages
- Schedule for vision screening camps and eye check up
- Referral services
- Product & services knowledge and their availability accessibility to urban slum population
Target Groups
- Screening of school children so that increase awareness of eye health which encourage children to become ambassadors of eye health within their communities.
- Training of teachers in schools so that increase referrals of children identified with eye disorders to screening camps and vision centre’s
- Establishment of vision centre’s in slum communities so that increase accessibility of eye care amongst slum dwellers especially women and children.
- Screening of adults’ community screening programmes and home visits. People identified with cataract referred for surgery to base hospitals
- Provision of free spectacles for poor children. The spectacle provision will create demand for spectacles amongst urban slum communities.
- Provision of adult and child cataract surgeries. Increase accessibility of sight restoring surgery which will have a positive impact on quality of life.
Activities done
- Set up of vision centre
- Recruitment of staff for vision centre
- Preparation of IEC material
- Dissemination of IEC material among the community to propagate
- Baseline survey in Ranchi urban
- Orientation for vision centre staff at Kolkata office
- Launching event of the project
- Camp for vision screening
- Camp for DR screening
Camp at Marwari College in Ranchi
A Mega eye camp was organized at Marwari College by NSS & Manthan yuva sansthan.
The chief guest was Mr.A.N. OJHA, the principal of Marwari College. After the inauguration a short speech regarding our project was given by Mr.Sudhir pal CEO of Manthan Yuva Sansthan. He said that Manthan yuva Sansthan is working in capacity building of marginalized section the society through trainings, workshops in the field of education, livelihood health scientific temperament& development journalism. He added that now the organization is running a project on eye care. Supporting agency namely-essilor, head office, France, & Sight savers head office, U. K .At present we are involve in vision screening to avoide blindness among the masses .He added that four out of five could be not blind if treated properly in time. So we have set up a eye screening clinic in Manthan yuva sansthan. Eye check-up is being done by Optometrist & ophthalmic assistants & specks are available at reasonable prices. He expressed to Marwari college authority for their generous support so that they could be able in organizing camp in college campus.
In this camp 250 people were screened and 06 people identified with cataract. The camp provided the free facilities of diagnosis and treatment of cataract and glaucoma and needful patients of refractive errors were provided spectacles for reading glasses free of cost. Almost 200 people were screened at the camp.
In comparison to prior situation people are getting more aware than ever before. Hope so that this project surely do positive changes in the society changes in the society in respect to eye care in Jharkhand and eradicate blindness and bridge the gap between low cost services & eye care
Camp at Don Bosco Church on 18th June in Ranchi.
During the summer break our organization organized one day free eye camp in the auditorium of Don Bosco school ‘church. In this camp 60 people were screened and 13 people found of cataract and many other villager of nearby places came to attend the camp for their eye check up. Dr Neeranjan Kumar and other eye specialist treated the patients. They provided the spectacles and other medicine on the spot. It was a worth befitting camp.
Camp at Gel Church in Ranchi
We organized a huge and successful camp on 25 th of June. A Number of staff remarked at how quickly the camp seemed to get into zone. Smiles and good attitude prevailed, even when rain forced cancellation of some activities.
A number of people with defective vision were identified they were given spectacles on the immediate response .The doctor also gave them suggestion on eye care so that they could prevent their vision from getting impaired .It was indeed a beneficial and well –organized camp where 98 people were screened and 18 people found of Cataract.
Training of Sahiyas, MAS, & other women leaders of the community
As we should know that four out of five people those who are blind, don’t have to be, if proper treatment would be provided at right time. Cataract is the major cause of blindness which can be cured with simple surgery restoring the life of that person. But due to lack of awareness and unable to visit hospital for check-ups, poor people living in urban slums lose their eyesight. With 70% of the Ranchi’s urban population living in slum areas, i.e., about 6 lac people have little or no access of easy eye care facility & spectacles. In this scenario Manthan yuva Sansthan who is engaged in community development programmes from last 20 years in Jharkhand & Bihar, has launched a project with kind support of Sight saver in slums of Ranchi.
The organization strategically proceeding with other stakeholders so that the project could be run smoothly. In this sequence a meeting held at Manthan’s Office with ward councilor of 24, 25, 26 &
- The session started with the introduction of the all participant present there and then Ms. Renu prakash discussed in detail about the project. In the meeting all the aspect of project has been discussed She said that we need to be careful about our eyesight
- To discuss about the project with ward councilor
- To make a collaborative plan regarding the project
- To make a plan for meeting with other stakeholders
Ward councilor of all four related ward were happy with the project that we are doing a great job in the field of eye care, eliminating blindness and helping to bring about equality for the people with disabilities and supporting people to live independently in a healthy way.
Outcomes of the meeting
- Ward councilors accepted our new project
- They assured us for their support
- They planned for meeting in their wards